One-on-one and group programs

3 Session mini package Need help in a specific area of focus in your business? Here we dive into priorities, revenue, goals and more to get you back to focusing on what matters most in your business.

Run your Business Like a Business ( Group or individual - Next Group Session starting September 2022)- You've learned products and tools to create amazing plans to better the lives of you clients, both now and in the future. Do you take time to work on your business like a business to create systems to keep your meeting schedule full of more people to serve? There is so much front end work to prospect and back end work to take each client to their full potential, that it is easy to get stuck in the weeds and not get the important things done. This course will teach you how to truly work smarter, not harder, streamline general systems, and keep your ideal calendar full. Live online - 3 month Program

Group Bootcamp - You know what to do and who to see, now you just need to build the discipline muscle to keep systems running and your non-negotiables in place so your business can grow.

Overcoming Overwhelm - Similar to the Group Session package, this course will teach you how to truly work smarter, not harder, streamline your systems, and keep your ideal calendar full. After all, systems are the solution. Here however, we take a deeper dive one-on-one creating an individualized plan for your practice with tracking and accountability built in. You'll create a strategic plan, profit map, and marketing strategy before our time together is done.

Stale or Scale - Learn proven methods broken down into manageable steps for maximum growth.

Bye-Bye-Business - Prepare to exit profitably and in control.

Your bottom line will thank you.

Speaking Topics

20 minute to 1 hour presentations focusing on solutions to some of your most common challenges.

  • Take Back Your Time - What do you desire more, time or money? Why can’t you have both?

Team and Association Training Workshops


This workshop will provide participants the tools and resources to change their habits in a fun, safe-sharing environment.

Wish to group schedule a public workshop in your area? Send us a message below.


Are you ready...

To take control?

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.
— -Michael Altshuler


Because busy is not productive. Because you’re tired of being busy and tired of feeling guilty about it. For most entrepreneurs and sales professionals knowing your priorities and focusing on them can be a challenge as interruptions and day-to-day tasks take priority. With this program, you will learn how to overcome these challenges and focus on your priorities which will lead directly to increased revenue and increased personal time. You will also learn techniques to be more present at home and at work as you adjust your habits, knowing you are getting more done during working hours, alleviating stress, encouraging a more positive work environment, and decreasing the incident of burn-out.



Tick Tock It’s About Time offers a community of support for female entrepreneurs through the #GirlBossesNetwork.