Tuesday Time Tip: The Pomodoro Technique

Wow! October already! As we approach the winter, productivity can get difficult. If you are in Wisconsin, you know first hand how cold winters can get, and all you want to do is cuddle up in bed. So I am here to give you Time Tip that is an oldie but a goodie, and will allow you to work hard so you can play harder! Start by downloading the app Focus Keeper. The app models the Pomodoro Technique which uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. I usually do 4 rounds of 25 minute work periods, separated by 5 minute breaks. On the 4th round, you can take a 25 minute break! This was one of my first practices with time management and is still a staple for me today. If you have kiddos, this is a great method to use with them too. During times of online classrooms, you could have your kid(s) work on one item for 25 minutes and their break could be a snack, a quick computer game, and so on! Have fun with this technique and make it your own.

See you next month for another Time Tip!

-Tick Tock…it’s about time

Taren Sartler