Pro Tips for Working From Home

Working from home sounds glorious right?! Pajamas and yummy coffee all day. Super productive from the comfort of your own bed! Then two days go by and you realize you've really not been productive at all. Not only do you have the normal day-to-day distractions of email, texting, and social media, now you have laundry, and cats to play with or dogs to let out, and all of the distractions (and excuses to procrastinate) of the home. UGH! ⁠

There's hope. You can plan ahead. Three pro-tips for you as you work from the safety of your home: 1) Know your priorities. Jot down the top 3-6 items that are non-negotiable to complete each workday. 2) Hold yourself to your work hours. If you normally put in an 8 hour day with a few breaks, do the same at home. Commit to that and get super productive doing those hours and then shut down and be super okay with enjoying your space and loved ones at home afterwards. 3) Use a timer! Taking a break at home can take you down the rabbit hole of personal chores, family needs, and more. Use a timer for breaks, tasks, and other items you (hopefully) are timing already at work like checking emails and promoting social media.⁠

Lastly, unrelated to work, just because you're home doesn't mean you shouldn't still take precautions. Use sanitizers and wash your hands, foods, computers, and cell phones. Anything that has been outside of the house in the last week or two could still put you at risk. And as you venture out, be sure to wash your hands well and often. Stay safe friends!

~Taren, the Calendar Guru

Taren Sartler