How to beat the Sunday Scaries!

Picture this: it is Sunday night and the anxiety starts creeping in. You are anxious for the week ahead of you, all of the different tasks on your calendar, and the burn-out is sinking in. This used to be me. I would avoid planning for the week ahead of me because it felt like too much to handle. However, when I changed my mindset about Sundays and planning out my life by design, it has become my favorite day of the week.

You must be wondering, Taren how do you enjoy Sundays? Well, my mindset shift started with knowing that I can handle whatever I encounter next week. I began to plan my calendar out months in advance for all of my self-care time, family/friend events, meetings, and so on. Once Sunday hits, I sit down and review my calendar for about 30 minutes. I mentally visualize how each event will work out perfectly and I build my confidence up knowing that I have self-care scheduled in specifically, and I do not cancel on that or myself. After my visualization, I take out my journal and list priorities for my mind, body and soul for the week, what I want to improve on/strive for, and an affirmation to remember when I feel overwhelm. I enjoy a cup of tea while I do this and really thank life for the opportunity to have another week ahead of me.

If we push away from societies view on Sundays and realize they are not necessarily scary, rather a chance to grow every week and strategize how to be your best self, the worries start to melt away. Turn the anxious energy into excitement and watch how much mental time you get back on your Sundays and the weeks ahead.

-Tick Tock…it’s about time

Taren Sartler