New Year New You?

What about same you but growing?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve gotten to a place in life where I just want to keep growing into better versions of me. I want to keep gratitude top of mind. I want to drink plenty of water and keep moving so my future self is healthy. I want to be on purpose with my choices, my connections, my time, and my boundaries. I want to continue to find joy in the little things and laugh often.

I commit to these things, beginning with the end in mind (thank you Stephen Covey).

What about you? Do you have goals, resolutions, or commitments? Life was meant to be lived, do you focus on happiness daily? Do you remember to play? Do you make time for you loved ones? If not, consider this a reminder to start. …It’s about time after all.

I’d love to hear about who you’re growing to be.

Taren Sartler