5 Ways to Stress Less as a Woman (And Why Putting Yourself First Feels Like a Struggle) ~ Guest Blog by Cyrina Talbott

Let’s be real: for many women, stress is like that one friend who *always* overstays their welcome. You’re juggling work, family, social obligations, and a never-ending to-do list, all while trying to pretend you’ve got it together. But here's the kicker—stress doesn’t have to run the show. If you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to reclaim your sanity. Here are five down-to-earth ways to stress less (and a quick look at why putting yourself first feels harder than it should).

1. **Learn the Power of “No” (Without the Guilt Trip)**

Women are often taught to be people-pleasers. Someone asks for a favor, and you say yes, even though your plate is already full. Next thing you know, you're running on fumes, and everyone’s happy... except you. The trick? Start saying no—guilt-free. It’s not selfish to protect your time and energy; it’s smart. The laundry can wait, but your mental health can’t.

*Why it’s hard:* Society tends to reward women for being helpful and accommodating, so saying no feels like breaking the rules. But spoiler alert: it’s totally okay to break these rules.

2. **Ditch Perfectionism—Seriously, No One’s Watching That Closely**

We get it. You want to be *on point* all the time. But guess what? Perfect is a myth, and chasing it is exhausting. Whether it’s at work, with family, or on your Instagram feed, nobody’s actually zooming in on your life’s tiny imperfections. Embrace the fact that *good enough* is more than enough, and stop holding yourself to a superhuman standard.

*Why it’s hard:* Perfectionism gives you the illusion of control, which can feel comforting when life gets chaotic. But it’s a trap. Letting go doesn’t mean you’re slacking—it means you’re human.

3. **Schedule “Me Time” (And Guard It Like It’s a VIP Event)**

Women are masters at taking care of everyone else, but when it comes to taking care of themselves, they’re suddenly “too busy.” Here’s the fix: block out time for yourself on your calendar and treat it like a non-negotiable event. Whether it’s a walk, a bath, or binge-watching your favorite show, me-time is essential for recharging your batteries. No excuses.

*Why it’s hard:* You’re used to putting everyone else first. It feels easier to push your own needs aside than to risk feeling like you’re neglecting others. But trust me, the world will survive while you enjoy that bubble bath.

4. **Delegate—You're Not the Only Capable Human Around Here**

Look, just because you can do it all doesn’t mean you *should*. If you have a partner, kids, or even co-workers, remember that sharing the load is not a crime. Hand off tasks like grocery shopping, cleaning, or organizing that family vacation. (Yes, even if they don’t do it exactly how you would.) The extra time you gain will lower your stress levels—and might even help others appreciate what you do.

*Why it’s hard:* Many women are trapped by the “If I don’t do it, it won’t get done right” mindset. But letting go of control can actually make life smoother—and give you some much-needed breathing room.

5. **Get Moving—But Make It Fun, Not a Chore**

Exercise is often sold as a cure-all for stress, but dragging yourself to the gym after a long day might feel like just another thing on the list. The key is to find something that actually *feels good* to you—whether it’s dancing around the living room, hiking, or doing yoga in your PJs. Moving your body releases feel-good endorphins, and you’ll feel better, not worse, after doing it.

*Why it’s hard:* When you're exhausted, the idea of exercising can seem like the last thing you want to do. But starting small (and fun) makes it easier, and you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel.

So, Why Do Women Struggle to Put Themselves First?

Blame it on a mix of societal pressure and good ol’ fashioned conditioning. From an early age, women are often taught to be nurturers, caretakers, and “fixers.” We’re told that taking care of others is our duty and that putting ourselves first is selfish. That mindset is hard to shake. Add to that the impossible standards women are held to (thanks, social media), and it’s no wonder we struggle with prioritizing self-care.

But here’s the truth: putting yourself first isn’t selfish—it’s necessary. When you take care of yourself, you show up better for everyone else. It’s like the airplane oxygen mask rule: put yours on first before helping others. Because if you’re burnt out, overwhelmed, and stressed, who’s really benefiting from that?

So, stress less, say no, and prioritize YOU. Because if you don’t, who will?

If this resonates please check out our event “Permission Granted” to have a whole day for you. Where you’ll get to release stress, learn techniques to use at home and break stuff! 

Learn more here

Taren Sartler