Becoming your authentic self!

Have you struggled with becoming your authentic self and are you wondering how this relates to time management / productivity? Well the biggest lesson I have learned with running my own business is that if I cancel on myself, I start to push away from my authentic self. I am all for working hard and establishing your business to help it rise, but how are you going to do that without taking care of yourself? Your longest relationship in life is with yourself, so start taking care of you so you can take care of others. It is time to start taking control of your time so it stops taking control of you. In my workshops, you can learn all about how I schedule in my ‘me time’.

So a big question I have for you is… what have you done today to take care of yourself and recharge? Self-care can look like giving yourself permission to relax and take time to remember your goals and taking small, intentional steps towards them. Some of my favorite self-care practices include boating with my family on a sunny day, going for a walk in nature, and taking social media breaks. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup, fill yours first before you fill others.

Lastly, take the mental energy to step towards who you truly are and then keep pushing to live in line with that person.

I believe in you and do not be afraid to ask for help, I am here if you need.

-Tick Tock…it’s about time

Taren Sartler