Practicing Gratitude

Welcome back to another time tip/blog to uplift you and your confidence.

I like to think of the end of the year as the Season of Gratitude. I am always pushing others to engage with gratitude because an insane amount of energy and focus comes from this practice. Being grateful, slowing down, and living in the present will do wonders for you and your business. A study by Berkley (Berkley Article), looking at the effect of gratitude on college students who actively seek mental health counseling, revealed that practicing gratitude helped with using positive emotional words, shifted students away from negative feelings and thoughts, and it has powerful effects on the brain. (Check out the article to learn more.)

Many studies display similar aspects and an abundance of benefits; however, remember gratitude (like any practice) takes time. Don’t expect to feel instantly better, rather, watch how it affects your overall mood and energy over the course of a week. Start with writing a gratitude letter to yourself. Or search “gratitude practices” on google. There are lots of great ideas out there.

A gratitude challenge I shared on Instagram lately can be found @calendarguru. Check it out and see how it starts making you feel.

Thank you for joining in for another blog. With the holidays approaching quickly, gratitude can be infectious and spread like wildfire!

Taren Sartler