Are you wearing a costume?

Welcome back to another time tip in the spooky month of October. We all know that October serves as the season of fall with cozy sweaters and warm apple cider, but it is better known for Halloween.

When we think of Halloween we think of costumes and dressing up as something or someone else for the night. This can be fun and exciting; however, I want you to ask yourself if you are keeping that mask on after Halloween too.

I think more times than not we try to fit the image of what others want us to be or put on the costume that we think we should be based on societal expectations. I want to challenge you to take the mask OFF. Being your authentic self is scary because you never know how people will react. What I have learned is people are going to judge you and this is more of a reflection of themselves than you. Not everyone will like you and that’s totally okay. Not everyone will like your business idea and that is also okay. So take the leap because no matter what you will never meet everyone’s expectations.

Reach for the real YOU. Find out who that is and watch the world start to fall into place around you.

Remember to only wear a mask on Halloween this year.

-Tick Tock

Taren Sartler