September Sleep & Self-Care

Welcome back to another time tip. I can’t believe we are in the month of September already, the summer months sure have flown by.

For this time tip, I am going to discuss sleeping habits and how this plays in with productivity. As a bonus, I like to think of September as a self-care month to really hammer in some good habits for the next few busy months. So I am going to share some ideas for you to utilize in your daily routine.

First off, let’s discuss napping. We are all guilty of laying down for a nap and waking up wondering what day it is. It feels good at the moment but can lead to periods of fatigue and grogginess. But busy days can sure hit us hard and really leave us craving a midday nap. After some research, I discovered that naps can actually be categorized. For example, there are recovery naps, essential naps, and appetitive naps. However, length plays a big role in the beneficial side of napping. If done correctly, naps are shown to reduce sleepiness, improve learning/memory, and regulate emotions.

The strategy for a perfect nap includes setting an alarm. The best napping length is 10-20 minutes. Try to nap earlier in the day (before 3 PM), try a relaxation exercise before the nap takes place to calm your mind, and have a proper sleep environment. Napping isn’t for everyone so play around with it and see if it adds to your day or takes away from it.

In addition to napping for productivity, some self-care items that boost your mood and regulate emotions are the following items. In the September self-care month I make sure to:

  • Take the time to watch and enjoy sunsets.

  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

  • Stick to my morning routine to set my day up for success.

  • Move my body because it feels good, not because I want to change the way I look.

  • Unplug from electronics for at least an hour a day.

  • Schedule a massage (bonus if there are hot stones).

  • Write in a journal.

  • Use my bliss list (check out my previous blogs to learn about this).

  • Trying new recipes that make me feel good.

  • Blast music in the car and sing at the top of my lungs. It really is good for the soul.

I hope some of these items can help inspire you for more self-care. If we don’t take care of ourselves, it will start to affect the parts of our life that matter most.

Thanks for reading and share with a friend!

-Tick Tock…It’s About Time


Taren Sartler