Taking a Step Back

Welcome to another time-tip. I will be sharing the importance of taking a step back from your business, projects you are working on, and/or items that take up a lot of your mental/physical time and energy.

I say this because I was always in the position of being there for my work life. Giving 110% every day, not taking time off, showing up early, and staying late. It was a cycle of overcommitment and sacrifice of my own energy. That is why I am so passionate about Tick-Tock because it allows me to show others that work aspirations/goals are great, but taking a step back or filling your calendar with more personal time is the secret to success and achieving those goals. Having experienced that insanely busy schedule as a former single mom, I know how tired you are and how it feels like it is impossible to take a step back, but let me try to convince you.

Studies show that taking time away actually increases your productivity when you get back. People are so afraid to not be present but they don’t always realize that is detrimental, not helpful. As a recovering workaholic, I can attest to what showed up for me when I chose to take a step back. I am able to use the time when I am stepping away to remember that my job is not my whole existence. It is a part of my life, yes, but there is so much more to being human than working the days and nights away. When we recognize this, it helps put into perspective the truly important pieces of a business, for example. I also found ways to look at things differently while taking a step back. Instead of always being there and in the go-go-go stages, I found success when I was looking at it all from outside of the box instead of directly in it.

Let’s learn to watch the dust settle, reserve patience, and instead of vigorously stepping forward, step back. It will help you embrace taking the time and space to create new goals and remember your personal priorities. When’s the last time you found happiness within yourself instead of a hypothetical future?

Taking a step back is the first step forward.

-Tick Tock…It’s About Time

Taren Sartler